Saint John's UCC - The Lighthouse March 2003: News


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Lighthouse Newsletter

March, April, May, 2003 Highlights



"A Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance"

These words of inspiration from the Hebrew Scriptures speak to the awful tragedy of 1 January 2003, the loss of Joe Cunningham and his father Kevin's compassionate words of comfort, healing and celebration. I have never experienced our church so full of caring, grieving, serving members. Let us be moved by the Spirit of Epiphany, called to be children of light, to serve and uphold one another in prayer and deed.

Our sanctuary continues to be filled with inspired music. Janet Nelson's Christmas Concert composition and the Spring Swing concert bring joy to all involved. Our church is spruced up with new signing and this summer's worshipper will enjoy the comfort of air conditioning in the sanctuary. Sunday pre-school and Wednesday church school continue with much energy and support.

Progress continues providing every church service to our community during Pastor Marina's well-earned sabbatical April, May and June of this year. We are very excited about the increased opportunity for pastoral care with the addition of a church office manager. Worship is also being enhanced by the formation of a Worship Committee under Howard Dallin's skilled direction. His organizing of the Lay Readers is much appreciated.

We are blessed by all the prayer, support and labor that so many devote to our Island Community through St. John's.


Tony Watts


March 2003


Numbers count. At this time of year, it seems the whole nation is counting. We are counting census data. We are counting budgets and income to see if we are in balance. We are adding and subtracting to gather information for the Internal Revenue Service. We are filling our church reports to document where we have been with finances, memberships and services.

Numbers is also a book in the Bible. It is the 4th book, part of the Torah, and its name is taken from its English name, Arithmoi. While it does contain numbers of two military census, it is more about the people on their exodus journey. In Hebrew, the book is called Bemidbar, "in the wilderness." It seemed an appropriate connection to make at thie time of our annual reports and meetings, with Arctic cold chilling the Island (and the nation at times!!), and with our Annual meeting, held on January 26 this year, documenting our journey of faith over the last year.

If we look at numbers, we can see the numbers of baptisms (6), weddings (11), confirmands (3) and memorial services or funerals (9). They document the journey of faith as new life, new commitments, new beginnings, and endings are celebrated and observed in the life of this Island community. (It is truly beyond the "congregation" as we truly have become "a church for a whole community."

Perhaps the most overwhelming feeling of this year has been the number of members, friends and associates we have laid to rest on the Island. Like 1999, we have spent most of our time at funeral luncheons and memorial gatherings. Our president has spoken eloquent words in his letter about our most recent loss on January 1 of a young man. But in each passing, there is a blessing--the blessing of a God who comforts us through the words and hands and hearts of others. We have survived a tough year of losses.

But the numbers also speak of joy--of the necessity of adding another worship service during July and August because we were bursting at the seams! The numbers of people who join our fellowship as members (6) and associates (4). The numbers of people who overwhelmingly support our ministry with the annual stewardship drive (raising over $25,000). The numbers of musicians who shared their gifts throughout the summer months. The numbers of readers who lead us in worship as they share the Hebrew scripture texts. The numbers of volunteer hours we continue to generate as this very busy church continues to grow. In my time as pastor here, I began working three days a week, and now have a fuller-than-time call.

And of course, a number that is present for me is the number 7. I have served this community for seven years. We have seen a tremendous growth in members, activities, hours of ministry, commitment to challenging stewardship goals which you continue to meet. Together we have grown a ministry, a vital ministry that has indeed been a church for a whole community.

In our scriptures, God teaches us to rest on the 7th day. In the journey into the wilderness, the Hebrew people were told to let their families and fields and animals lie fallow, to rest in the 7th year, a sabbatical year. And so, with the encouragement of the church, the sabbatical committee and the council, I am seeking a time to rest and renew during the months of April, May and June of this year. I will take this time to re-enter my journey with God and re-energize through rest, reading, reflective journaling, and the wisdom of others through books, a time in the wilderness of northern Minnesota, workshops and worship. Thank you for this opportunity to serve you, God and this sacred Island.

Pastor Marina


A Sabbatical Update

During Pastor's Marina sabbatical, a number of people have come forward to make the transition smooth and the functioning of St. John's go forward. Rev. Curt Johnson, Bayfield, will be the pastor-on-call to assist us at times of sickness through hospital visits and funerals. Curt and his wife Ruth are long-term residents of the area. He has served both Bethesda Lutheran in Bayfield and the church in Cornucopia. He will also lead worship for communion Sundays, Good Friday and Easter.

The council also contracted with Joan Watts to be the office manager during Pastor's absence. She will be the friendly voice on the phone, and help with the mail, communications, bulletins and the general functioning of our church. She has vast experience as a church secretary prior to coming to the Island. Tony Watts and the entire church council will provide leadership for our committees and activities throughout the spring time.

Howard Dallin will chair our newly organized Worship Committee. A number of people have volunteered to share their faith stories and preach during pastor's sabbatical. Joan Nelson, a member of the sabbatical committee, said this has been done in years past on the Island. She remembered having different lay people read from a book of sermons and Melvin Sandstrom leading the congregation in song and worship when the Island only had summer interns from Eden Seminary.

Here is the schedule to date:
April 6 Rev. Curt Johnson
April 13 Howard Dallin, Presiding
April 20 Rev. Curt Johnson
April 27 Howard Dalllin
May 4 Rev. Curt Johnson
May 11 Avie Jewell-Martin
May 18 Gay and Wayne Lindquist
May 25 Rev. Jeanny House, NW Association Minister
June 1 Rev. Curt Johnson
June 8 Nell Hillsley
June 15 Rev. Karl Wright
June 22 George Shapiro
June 29 Bill Nygren

It will be an incredible privilege to hear these people and the wisdoms they have been blessed with as God as worked in their lives.


"Many Thanks" from the Stewardship Committee

St. John's is blessed by your generosity of time, talent and treasure. The gifts of time and talents from the Friends and Members of St. John's is as important to the whole community and to God as your gift of treasure.
Your response to our December, 2002 stewardship letter was the most generous ever. At this time, annual stewardship offerings from 94 Friends and Members totals
$25, 745. From the treasurer's report, you will note that the total income for 2002 has allowed St. John's to finish the year in good financial condition.
Friends and members of St. John's have provided the Church Council with the resources to continue a vital MINISTRY for the whole community and to extend ourselves to the outreach ministries in which we are engaged.
God is blessing St. John's with the precious GIFT of growth. We have much to be thankful for at St. John's. Your support over the years is greatly appreciated. "Many, many, many thanks." The Stewardship Committee

The Lighthouse is a quarterly publication of St. John's United Church of Christ on Madeline Island. It seeks to share the news of our congregation and community. Full copies of the printed newsletter are mailed to all members and friends of St. John's. If you wish to receive a copy or if you have any items, comments, or prayer concerns for upcoming issues, please contact us.


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